September 14, 2024

Step-by-Step Guide: Create an Ecommerce Landing Page

Norbi Nagy
Founder, CEO
Step-by-step guide on creating high-converting Ecommerce landing pages blog

Your Ecommerce landing page has one job: to turn visitors into customers. But creating a page that actually converts isn’t just about throwing some text and images together. It’s about following a process that guides visitors toward taking the action you want.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through a straightforward, step-by-step approach to building a landing page that not only looks good but also drives results. From setting clear goals to hitting “Publish” button, this guide covers it all.


Before we begin, here’s an overview of the steps in this guide, covering the entire process of creating high-converting Ecommerce landing pages.

  1. Defining your goal
  2. Copywriting
  3. Wireframing
  4. Design
  5. Development

Let’s get started on setting the goal of your landing page.

Step 1: Define Your Goal

The first step in creating a high-converting landing page is to establish a clear and specific goal. Every landing page should have one primary objective, whether it’s selling a product, collecting email sign-ups, or promoting a special offer. Knowing this goal from the outset helps guide the rest of the process, ensuring every element on the page works toward driving that desired action.

Why Having a Clear Goal Matters

When a landing page has a single, focused goal, it becomes easier for visitors to understand what action they should take. This clarity can significantly impact conversion rates because it reduces distractions and provides a straightforward path for users to follow. For example, if your goal is to sell a product, your entire page should be designed to highlight its value and lead visitors toward making a purchase.

Defining Your Goal

To define your goal, consider the main action you want visitors to take. Is it to make a purchase, fill out a form, or subscribe to a newsletter? Be specific about this action. The more precise your goal, the easier it is to craft messaging and design elements that support it.

Keep It Front and Center

Once you’ve defined the goal, keep it in mind throughout the creation process. It will serve as a guidepost, helping you decide what information to include and what to leave out. Everything on the page, from the headline to the call-to-action (CTA), should align with this single purpose.

Copy and design are equally important for landing pages. If you nail both, you'll create great landing pages.

Step 2: Write Copy That Sells

Once you’ve defined your goal, the next step is to craft the copy for your landing page. Your copy guides visitors from the moment they arrive to the point where they take action. It needs to be clear, engaging, and focused on the benefits of your offer.


The headline is the first thing visitors will see, so it should quickly communicate the value of your offer. Keep it short and direct—your goal here is to grab attention and make it clear why the visitor should stay.

Body Copy

The body copy is where you explain your offer in more detail. Focus on how your product or service solves a problem or meets a need. Keep the language simple and avoid jargon. Use short paragraphs and bullet points to make it easy to read and understand.

Instead of just listing features, highlight how those features benefit the visitor. People don’t really care about what you sell, they care about what problems they have. Show them the outcome of using your product or service, not the product or service itself.

Call-to-Action (CTA)

Your CTA is one of the most important parts of your copy. It should be action-oriented and tell visitors exactly what to do next. Use straightforward language like “Buy Now,” “Sign Up,” or “Get Started.” The CTA should stand out visually and be easy to spot on the page.

With compelling and straightforward copy, you guide visitors toward taking the action you want. Next, we’ll move on to planning the layout of your landing page for a seamless visitor experience.

Step 3: Plan the Layout with Wireframes

Now that you have your goal and copy sorted out, it’s time to plan the structure of your landing page. Wireframing helps you visualize the layout, ensuring that every element is placed strategically to guide visitors toward your goal. Think of this as creating a rough draft of your page to see where everything will go.

Start with the Essentials

At this stage, focus on the basics: headline, visuals, body copy, CTA, and trust signals. The goal is to organize these elements in a way that creates a natural flow from top to bottom, leading visitors to the desired action.

Place the most important information, like the headline and CTA, at the top of the page (above the fold). This lets your visitors see it immediately without scrolling.

Arrange elements in a sequence that makes sense, guiding visitors through the benefits of your offer and building up to the CTA.

Create a Simple Wireframe

You don’t need fancy tools to create a wireframe—a pen and paper, or an empty Figma file will do. Sketch out a simple layout of where each element will go. For example for the hero section, you might have the headline at the top, followed by an image or video. Think of this step as a blueprint that will guide the design phase.

Keep It Clean and Focused

A cluttered layout can overwhelm visitors and distract them from the goal. Keep your layout clean, using white space to separate different sections. This not only improves readability but also helps to draw attention to key elements like the CTA.

The cornerstones of landing page design are visuals, the color scheme, and typography.

Step 4: Design the Page

With your layout planned, it’s time to bring it to life through design. Good design isn’t just about making the page look nice; it’s about making sure the page is easy to navigate and visually guides visitors toward the action you want them to take.


Choose visuals that support your message and draw attention to key areas of the page. If you’re showcasing a product, use high-quality images that highlight its features. For service-based offerings, consider using visuals that illustrate the benefits or show the product in action.

Use images or videos that clearly showcase what you’re offering. If possible, show the product in use to help visitors visualize the benefits.

Use design elements like arrows or contrasting colors to point towards your CTA. This helps guide the visitor’s eye to the most important part of the page.

Color Scheme

Your color scheme should align with your brand while also making important elements like your CTA stand out. Choose one or two primary colors for your landing page, and use contrasting colors to highlight CTAs and key messages.

Stick to a limited color palette to avoid overwhelming visitors. Use contrasting colors for your CTA to make it pop and draw the visitor’s eye.

Ensure the colors align with your brand’s look and feel, creating a cohesive experience for your visitors.


Choose fonts that are easy to read and look professional. The font size should be large enough for easy reading on all devices, and there should be a clear hierarchy—headlines should be bigger and bolder, with body text being smaller and more straightforward.

Use clean and simple fonts for body text and avoid overly decorative fonts that are hard to read.

Make sure there’s a clear distinction between headlines, subheadings, and body text to guide visitors through the content.

Step 5: Develop and Optimize the Page

Now it’s time to turn your design into a functional landing page. This step involves bringing everything together using a landing page builder, CMS, or custom coding. The focus here is on making sure the page works smoothly across all devices and loads quickly to provide a seamless experience for visitors.


You can use various tools to build your landing page, from drag-and-drop builders like Unbounce, through in-depth website builders like Webflow, to custom HTML/CSS if you have the technical skills. Choose the method that aligns with your resources and technical know-how.

If you’re not a developer, using a landing page builder or CMS can simplify the process. These tools often come with templates that you can customize to fit your design.

As you build, stick closely to your wireframe and design plan. Make sure elements like your headline, visuals, and CTA are placed exactly where they should be to guide the visitor’s journey.

Mobile Optimization

A significant portion of your visitors will be on mobile devices, so it’s crucial to ensure your landing page is mobile-friendly. This means it should look good and function well on smaller screens without any issues.

Your page should automatically adjust to fit different screen sizes. Most page builders offer responsive templates that adapt to mobile devices.

Make sure buttons are easy to tap, and the layout isn’t cluttered. Simplify the page for mobile users by keeping key elements like the CTA prominent and easy to find.

Speed Optimization

A slow-loading page can lead to high bounce rates, so it’s vital to optimize your landing page for speed. Visitors are more likely to stick around if the page loads quickly, improving your chances of conversion.

Use compressed images to reduce file sizes without compromising quality. This helps the page load faster.

If you’re building the page yourself, minify HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to speed up loading times.

Building and optimizing the page ensures that your landing page is not just visually appealing but also functional and user-friendly. If you'd like to learn more, we also have a checklist for increasing CVR on Ecommerce landing pages.

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Creating High-Converting Ecommerce Landing Pages

Creating a high-converting Ecommerce landing page is a process that involves planning, design, development, and ongoing optimization. By following these steps—defining your goal, writing compelling copy, planning the layout, designing the page and developing it—you’ll be well on your way to building landing pages that not only look good but also drive real results.

If you’d like a helping hand with this process, Social See specializes in creating tailored, high-converting Ecommerce landing pages. We take care of everything from design to optimization, helping you get the most out of every visitor.

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