June 29, 2024

Page Speed: The Easiest Way for New Businesses to Drive Conversions

Norbi Nagy
Founder, CEO
Page speed is the easiest way for new businesses to drive conversions (CVR)

In the realm of startup success, the speed of your website and its ability to convert visitors into customers play a crucial role. Let's explore the basics of Conversion Rate, Page Speed, and some practical strategies to enhance your site's loading speed and optimize it for converting visitors into customers and clients.

Understanding Conversion Rate (CVR)

Conversion Rate (CVR): At the core of every successful startup is the ability to turn visitors into loyal customers. CVR, or Conversion Rate, shows the percentage of visitors taking desired actions, like making purchases or engaging with your content.

Why Page Speed Matters

Now, think of Page Speed as the speedometer of your website. Imagine your website as a storefront. How likely are visitors to stay if the door takes forever to open? Page speed ensures a smooth and efficient online experience.

For startups, this is especially important, as it is likely that many users will see your website for the first time. Making a good first impression is non-negotiable.

How Page Speed Influences CVR

Slow-loading pages cast shadows on conversion rates. In a world where patience is scarce, even a brief delay can lead potential customers to leave. An example is when a visitor clicks a link and it takes too long to load – they might lose interest and exit.

If a website takes more than 4 seconds to load, over 24% of visitors click away

The Technical Aspects Behind It

Here are some of the major technical indicators behind Page Speed. Having some basic knowledge of what’s going on in the background helps with understanding why solutions work, and how to implement them on your website.

  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Refers to the unexpected and disruptive movement of elements on a webpage while it is loading. CLS directly influences your Conversion Rate (CVR), impacting user experience and conversions.
  • First Contentful Paint (FCP): The moment when a user sees the first visual response on a webpage. A faster FCP contributes to a more positive user experience, as it reduces the perceived loading time and encourages visitors to engage with the content sooner.
  • Time to Interactive (TTI): Measures how long it takes for a webpage to become fully interactive for the user. A quicker TTI means users can start clicking buttons, filling out forms, or navigating through the site sooner.

Practical Solutions for Improving Page Speed

How can you optimize your startup's page speed? Let's break it down:

  1. Image Compression: The number one source of slow loading speeds is often large images. Shrink image sizes without sacrificing quality. For instance, use tools to compress images before uploading them to your website.
  2. Efficient HTTP Requests: Trim down HTTP requests for a faster-loading page. Limit the number of elements that the browser needs to fetch when loading your site.
  3. Browser Caching: Allow visitors to store elements of your website locally for quicker return visits. This is like storing frequently used tools in a convenient spot for easy access.

Going Beyond Basics: Advanced Strategies

Dive deeper into page speed optimization with these advanced strategies:

  1. Content Delivery Network (CDN): By using a CDN, you can strategically distribute content for faster access globally. It's like having regional warehouses to reduce delivery times.
  2. Minification: Minimize code for a more efficient website. This is akin to cleaning up unnecessary clutter in your workspace for better productivity.
Some website builders, including Webflow, have built in code minification to optimize performance
  1. Server Response Time: Optimize server configurations to reduce response times. Think of it as organizing a library ensures quick access to information.

But Where Do I Start?

In the intricate world of startup challenges, we offer more than insights – we provide practical solutions. The concepts of page speed and CVR are immense: we’ve just about covered the tip of the iceberg. Book a free call with us to learn more and see how we can help increase the CVR of your website.


Prioritizing page speed extends beyond improving user experience; it sets the stage for increased conversions. Remember, making a good first impression on visitors is crucial for startups. And having a fast page speed is one of the simplest ways of doing that.

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